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BluWin - High Impact Climate Solutions

‍Consulting services

Having decades of experience in wet-processing, our consulting services help customers reduce the environmental footprint from textile, leather, apparel and footwear production.


Having the right skills and knowledge is imperative to succeed in your role. The BluWin Academy holds a broad range of ZDHC centric face-to-face training sessions and affordable online courses which are accessible anywhere and anytime.

ZDHC Level 3 MRSL v.2. Conformance Certifications

Confirm chemical product claims regarding ZDHC MRSL 2.0 conformance Get a health check on the robustness of your internal system and processes to produce Level 3 conformant chemistry consistency, lot over lot Achieve manufacturing excellence Increase confidence of your clients, who can procure MRSL 2.0 conformant chemicals confident

Contact: Buddhi Weerasinghe (



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30 years of expertise in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and an honorary PhD in Toxicology. He has been an esteemed speaker at European toxicology symposia and will chair the upcoming Paris event. With 18 years in chemical auxiliaries and dyestuff production/technical sales, and 12 years in audits and training, has conducted over 2000 chemical and environmental audits in 10 countries, primarily in Türkiye. His expertise includes managing waste water non-compliances, toxicological effects, and health & safety. has achieved various ZDHC CMS TIG, Top 10, and WasteWater trainings. Currently, he serves as Senior Trainer and Auditor at Bluwin, focusing on chemical processes and carbon footprint management.
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Xuegang Lu

Total 27 years working as dyeing and finishing manager, technical manager and technical consultant.
Provision of consultancy service, training and technical support on sustainability, Chemical management systems, trouble shooting for dyeing and finishing process, provision of soft skill and quality related training
Conducting technical assessment, providing consultancy service and training in resource efficiency (water, energy and chemicals) and environmental issues to for textile processing industry and mills.
1. 《Sustainable textiles Life Cycle and Environment Impact》
《Enzyme biotechnology for sustainable textiles》as Coauthor, published in 2009 by Woodhead Publishing Limited.
2. 《Dyeing&Finishing》Magazine
Title of article:《Low temperature of BioPolishing and dyeing of knitted fabrics at one bath.》as Coauthor
Published in 2016.