ZDHC CMS Framework Training for Suppliers

2 days

Course details

Type : Online (Trainer Guided)

Platform : TESTEX AG

Language : English

Cost : 150 EUR (Euro) The price includes Tax

Examination : Yes

certificate : Yes

Started at : 24 Sep 2024

Ended at : 25 Sep 2024

Number of available seats : 19

Attendance to the course is permitted only upon payment and approval from the training provider.

Training Provider

TESTEX_Logo_RGB (1).png

For enquires relate to this course, please contact : https://www.testex.com

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This beginners training provides an overview what the ZDHC CMS Framework is, the requirements of a Chemical Management System and its' implementation at the facility level. It explains why an effective ZDHC CMS Framework is important and provides an overview on how ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms and Solutions can support the development and implementation of a Sustainable Chemical Management System.

The training does not focus on how to practically implement the ZDHC CMS Framework. To learn more about the actual implementation of the ZDHC CMS Framework we would like to refer to our ZDHC CMS TIG training available on the ZDHC Academy Platform.

Course description

Learning Objective

• To understand the importance of sustainable chemical management in the textile, footwear and leather industry. • To gain basic knowledge on how sustainable chemical management can be developed, through the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme. • To get a broader understanding of ZDHC Guidelines, Platforms & Solutions. • To gain a better understanding of the ZDHC CMS Framework and the related requirements for the supply chain. • To get inspired on effective implementation, with trainers and peers in your (virtual) classroom.