learning outcome
By attending this training, you will learn how to:
- Create a policy document that outlines the commitment (statement) of the supplier’s leadership and includes procedures and practices adopted for purchasing, transparency and traceability of chemicals used.
- Transform that policy into a strategy as part of implementing a chemical management system.
- Conduct assessments of a supplier's regulatory compliance, chemical hazard and risk, supply chain partners’ capabilities and safer alternatives.
- Implement health & safety actions for chemical exposure control, PPE and emergency response procedures for all staff.
- Manage a Chemical Inventory List (CIL) and SDS to make informed purchasing decisions, promote responsible chemical use, increase traceability, simplify chemical handling decisions, and control disposal costs.
- Ensure safe Storage and Handling procedures for chemicals purchased.
- Use tools to manage Output with respect to wastewater, sludge, air and solid waste outputs - This will reduce pollution and support Process Control to ensure proper implementation of a CMS through holding and controlling records and documents, incidence management, general maintenance and housekeeping.
- Work on continuous improvement practices such as conducting a CMS review, internal or external audits and improvements in identified areas, including onsite training.
- Apply leather-specific implementation procedures.
- learn more about chemicals used in leather processing facilities and how to manage them.