ZDHC Wastewater Treatment System Operator Qualification Training Course - I : Basic Physical/Chemical Treatment

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This course aims to provide the necessary understanding and skill sets to in regards to the principle of the ETP Operation as well as the basic operation and maintenance of the vital equipments. It is developed with reference to the ZDHC Wastewater Treatment System Operator Minimum Qualification Guidelines.

target audience

This training course is for:

  • Entry level or junior wastewater treatment operators who operate one or more wastewater treatment systems to treat industrial, domestic, or a blend of industrial and domestic wastewater
  • Individual seeking to build a career as a water and wastewater treatment plant operator

Note: Training participants should have basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and numeracy.

learning outcome

By completing this course, you will:

  • Gain fundamental understanding of the basics operations of an wastewater treatment plant
  • Have an overview of how physical and chemical treatment works
  • Aquire knowledge and the principle on how to safely operate and maintain machineries related to physical and chemical treatment under the guidance of your supervisor
  • Be competently monitor and readjust the effectiveness of physical and chemical treatment operation.

course curriculum

This course covers 12 key areas of basic physical and chemical treatment of wastewater.

  1. Screening
  2. Coagulation & flocculation
  3. Filtration
  4. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
  5. Chemical precipitation
  6. Sedimentation
  7. pH adjustment
  8. Disinfection
  9. Sludge treatment & handling
  10. Sampling & testing
  11. Piping & instrumentation
  12. Water & wastewater quality

Upcoming courses

Upcoming available courses have not been planned in at the moment, contact ZDHC Academy via support@zdhc.org for information.