course curriculum
The Climate Action Training e-learning is divided into five different modules that consist of an introductory module on climate change and climate initiatives in the industry, followed by four technical modules.
Module 1: Why climate action? Introductory module for understanding climate change, the impact of the fashion industry and why textile facilities should endeavour to take climate action.
Module 2: GHG emissions: This module looks into GHG emissions and touches upon how to measure GHG footprints at a product or corporate level. The module addresses the different types of GHG that are relevant to the textile and fashion industries, commonly used approaches for measuring GHG footprints and a first overview of the GHG accounting process. Throughout this course, the methodology of corporate-level accounting is applied as per the GHG Protocol.
Module 3: GHG accounting: This module covers GHG accounting and provides an overview of corporate GHG accounting (as per the standards set by the GHG Protocol) and the step-by-step process for conducting GHG accounting (e.g. insights into some scenarios regarding activity data commonly found). This overview is then followed by exercises on how to measure scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, using examples from textile factories. The main focus of this module is on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
Module 4: Target setting: The fourth module is about climate target setting. In this module, participants will learn about baseline emissions and what considerations are important when setting a climate target (e.g. the target base year, the boundaries to include, the target type and the level of ambition). The last two lessons will provide learners with an example of what an action plan may look like and the platforms commonly used to communicate targets.
Module 5: Solutions: The last module looks into opportunities for solutions at a factory level. The module is split into two sub-modules, namely energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The energy efficiency module provides insights into how to establish an energy management system (important for measuring and tracking energy consumption) and includes a list of selected energy-saving opportunities that can be applied in a textile facility setting. The renewable energy module covers three main technologies relevant to the fashion and textile industries, which are solar PV, solar thermal PV and biomass. Accompanying the module are supporting factsheets specific to the renewable energy topic and guidance on technical and financial aspects of solar PV relevant to the four target countries, each of which can be read separately to or complementarily alongside the module.