Tunisian Textile Manufacturer VTL Implements Sustainable Chemical Management System

Project attributes:

  • Project initiative: MED TEST III, part of the regional EU-funded SwitchMed programme
  • Project Timeline: 2021 - 2022

Project Overview

Established in 1981, La Société Tunisienne de Vêtement de Travail et de Loisirs (VTL) is the largest textile manufacturer in Tunisia. They produce 20 million garments and 14 million meters of knit fabrics annually. VTL sees the implementation of the Roadmap to Zero Programme as an opportunity to attract new clients and strengthen existing brand relationships. By producing more sustainably, they can meet the expectations of ZDHC Signatory brands and other brands. That’s why VTL joined the programme focused on the improvement of their sustainable chemical management system.

During the project, VTL renewed its chemical purchasing policy, to be fully aligned with the ZDHC Guidelines. Today VTL only accepts suppliers that meet the requirements of the purchasing policy. Additionally, VTL engaged with their chemical suppliers to register their chemical products on the ZDHC Gateway. As a result, the percentage of ZDHC MRSL conformant chemicals used by VTL increased.

For the non-conformant chemicals, a substitution plan was developed and although substituting the chemicals was a challenge, in particular from a financial point of view, VTL managed to replace two hazardous chemicals according to the adopted purchasing policy and the ZDHC MRSL Guidelines.

"Thanks to the UNIDO project, VTL has new tools that can help showcase our commitment to produce in line with brand expectations, such as ZDHC Training Certificates. Improving and building customer relationships is essential to VTL's future."

----Mr. Abdallah Guedess - Technical Director, VTL Group

Extended Reading

UNIDO SwtichMed Business Case - VTL
